All religions are an attempt to appease God so that eventually that god will welcome them into his eternal dwelling: all religions except one. All religions require certain performance standards for appeasing this god though one can never by quite sure this god is truly appeased: all religions except one.
One religion alone leads people to God Who has provided appeasement Himself and Who now declares that He is satisfied giving people permanent access to Himself.
This religion, the Christian faith, declares that all people are incapable of appeasing God so He Himself came to appease His requirements in the man Jesus Christ being punished on the cross for the disobedience of all people everywhere.
Now God is willing to pardon all people for their rebellion against Him and allow them permanent access to Him through Jesus the Christ.
All people need to do to receive access to God is to cry-out to Him for pardon, stop their willful disobedience and seek God through the Bible, prayer and the Church for living lives pleasing to God.
Many have cried-out to God particularly when things get difficult. Some people have even stopped doing those things that displease God and for which Christ was crucified. But few people seek God regularly for His presence in order to know Him more deeply and to love Him more fully.
Christianity promises full and permanent access to God; if there really is a God shouldn’t we long to know Him?
It is God Who alone can heal our inner brokenness, Who can fill our inner void for love and significance, for He is our Maker and the only giver of true life.
Why would we not seek Him as often as we can and as much as we are able since He is both our God and our Father?