Perhaps the highest form of praise is a vote for President of the United States of America.
Many who call themselves Christian voted for Barack Hussein Obama to continue as President despite his overtly anti-Biblical values, policies and deeds.
It is not arguable that he supports through funding and policy abortion and homosexuality. It is arguable though highly circumstantial at minimum, that he watched the death of Americans at Benghazi while having the power to stop it thus committing murder.
The Scripture is clear in its condemnation of murder; whether it be the innocent unborn or the vulnerable worker and soldier in a foreign land, and sexual immorality which specifically includes homosexuality.
Neither the murderer nor the sexually immoral will inherit eternal life with God in heaven or upon the new earth.
So how was it that so many supposed Christians supported the Obama presidency?
First too many are Biblically ignorant and thus not surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
People are not Christians because they believe in God, the great enemy of God the devil does that, people are Christians who have denied themselves and taken-up their cross to follow Jesus. It is the surrendered and obedient disciple of Jesus who will inherit eternal life.
Second many Christians have not given themselves to the work of discipleship which is the understanding and application of God’s will and word to our everyday life.
Entertainment rather than commitment is what people are experiencing in too many churches thus leading far too many to a shallow understanding of Jesus and what it means to truly be His disciple.
If we would do right we must purse and obey the Righteous One.