Race is dividing America again, it is a work of the devil and as such can only be defeated by the Church of Jesus Christ.
Christianity is the only religion, because it represents the only True God, that consistently teaches in its Scriptures that all people regardless of sex, color or nationality are made by God, loved by God and are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ the Lord.
Hindus have their caste system for determining the value of people. Muslims believe through the Koran that women and other ethnic groups are of lesser value than Arab men.
It was Christianity that ended slavery in the world. It was the gospel message of God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ that called all people, men and women, black, white and any other color, to reconcile themselves to God through the only Savior of the world Jesus the Christ.
The Church must reiterate this message today. Too many Christians are allowing themselves to choose sides along racial lines.
One of the most powerful testimonies of God’s work in their lives that the first church promoted was its acceptance of all nations, all classes and all sexes equally into its mix.
From the first book of the Christian Scriptures where God makes man and woman from the ground and declares both are made in His image to the last book in the Scriptures where God declares men and women from all nations will praise Him in the Kingdom to come; under the banner of Jesus Christ there is no racial divide.
It is time for the Church to declare this truth again and stop this evil being done in our country.