The greatest of all is the servant of all because God Who is the greatest of all, served all by sacrificing all in order to reconcile all to God.
Those who are highly esteemed by God live like God lived among us in Jesus: as a humble servant sacrificing Himself for the benefit of others.
How hard it is for us to live as a servant. How much we struggle with people who refuse to acknowledge our significance!
Yet God, when He lived among us in Jesus, was neither recognized nor acknowledged as the Creator and Sustainer of all life but was despised by men.
God did not retaliate against the insubordinate but instead loved them, humbling Himself before all people in order to win all people to Himself.
God invites those who desire to live like Him to live as He lived: a servant of people Who unconditionally loves people even unto death.
The greatness of God is despised by the world forcing those who would be Jesus’ disciple to choose between pleasing God or pleasing people.
It is the person who loses his life for Jesus and the message of reconciliation with God through Jesus whom God highly esteems. It is the rich, the successful, the handsome, and the strong that the world esteems.
The world and all that it adores will pass away one day only to face judgment before the Almighty God for how it aligned with His commands.
Better to live now despised by men in order to live forever esteemed by God.