People wanted proof that Jesus was Who He said He was – that is God visible, the Savior of the world.
Jesus’ response to the religious leaders demanding a sign was that no sign would be given to them. The reality was everything Jesus did was a sign declaring the truth of His message.
All of His miracles were proof that Jesus was indeed God come to live temporarily among me in order to become man’s Savior.
Yet Jesus would not lower Himself to proving He was God to men who would not believe no matter what He did to prove Himself true.
People today demand signs from God before they will commit themselves to following Jesus as their Lord.
Like those before them they too will not receive a sign but incur instead the deep ‘sighing’ of God Who commands people to walk by faith and not by sight.
God has already given numerous signs for us to believe from all of His historical works among people, to the lives surrendered to Him by those who did believe, to the resurrection of Jesus, to the recorded words and works of God found in the Bible.
There is tremendous evidence both in nature and within our own conscience that God exists.
There is overwhelming historical evidence that Jesus truly lived among men and that He rose from the dead proving all His miracles were indeed signs of His Divinity and that He is the only Savior of the world.
No sign will be given to those who demand more proof of God’s existence but to those who believe there are signs of God’s existence everywhere.