With the question comes the answer: God accuses men of fear because they have no faith.
Undoubtedly the Lord God continues to ask men why they are afraid, though He knows the answer is our lack of faith in Him. Incredulous at our lack of faith God later asks out loud, ‘upon My return will I find any faith upon the earth?’
Since man rebelled against God seeking to be his own god, he has suffered from fear for we know unequivocally that we have very little power over ourselves or this world.
Though we believe God is all powerful we struggle to believe that He cares enough to exert that power upon our behalf.
Most of us work hard to avoid circumstances where we need God to act on our behalf, preferring instead to create our own safe and stable environments.
To experience God we must enter circumstances that require the power of God. We cannot manufacture these circumstances as though we are capable of forcing God’s hand rather we must be willing to obey implicitly and then we shall see God.
It is in the circumstances of obedience that God takes us to places where our limits are exposed so that we can encounter the limitlessness of His resources.
The disciples were following Jesus when they experienced the power of Jesus exerted on their behalf.
So too if we would see and feel the power of God in our lives we must obey God by following Jesus wherever He leads.
Creating our own safe world keeps us in fear and blindness to God but following Jesus as He builds His kingdom on earth leads to faith and truly experiencing God.