When God lived with people on earth the second time; when Jesus lived in Israel, He established a new covenant, a new order of operation and requirements between God and men.
The old covenant or agreement was with one particular nation whose obligation was to obey God via numerous laws and regulations.
If Israel was faithful then God would so bless them that the world would be envious and so likewise want to know their God so they could also be blessed by Him. Israel failed to obey God and so their land was taken from them.
The new covenant requires people to receive God’s grace through faith in Jesus and to live lives reflecting this relationship summarized in the commands to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Those who do this will receive eternal life with God and God’s Holy Spirit will now live within us so that we can live in a way that glorifies God and bears much fruit. Jesus said as much when He taught that our lives glorify God when they do bear much fruit.
The fruit God desires is the restoration of the world to Himself through Jesus Christ.
Under the new covenant God’s people, the Church, go to the nations proclaiming His grace, mercy and love in Jesus Christ, giving away their lives so that people experience the sacrificial love of God Who also lived as a servant, died as a sacrifice and rose from the dead as Lord and Savior.
In this way the nations will repent and return to God for restoration.
This is the work God requires and expects from His people; the giving away of our lives today for the reconciliation of the world to Jesus Christ for all eternity.
very interesting my friend
interesting response!