As Jesus taught, people cannot love money and love God, so Paul taught we cannot be both man pleasers and God pleasers.
We were created by God for God to please God.
When sin entered the world and man no longer inherently sought to please God that original inclination to please God became misaligned to instead please men.
This is why we have such a compelling desire to want people to accept us.
It explains why our children are so concerned about fitting-in with their peer group. But because men are sinful the pleasure of men will not be the pleasure of God in most instances.
Men desire first place, fame, recognition, honor and prestige. All of these things belong first to God and are the duty of men to give to God.
This explains why so little is done for the glory of God but so much is done to honor ourselves. We spend the bulk of our time and treasure on building our own kingdom rather than giving away these things for the building of the kingdom of God.
Christians are to be servants of God as Paul indicated to the Christians in Galatia.
Far too many Christians seek God to become their servant giving them what they ask and doing for them the things they want. God is not Santa Claus whose existence is for distributing gifts to men.
God is a holy and glorious King Who demands allegiance and seeks workers who will build His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
One day God will hold every person accountable and will reward each person based upon how they lived their lives whether to please men or to please God.