Would the Lord God make the same observation of any of us today? Who among this generation would God consider godly?
Noah was considered godly for two reasons: first, he obeyed God’s laws. While the law of Moses had not yet been given we fundamentally know the ten commandments in our hearts for God has placed them there in all people across the globe using our conscience to either condemn or confirm us for our application of them.
Noah was a godly man because he sought always to do the right thing because he believed in God and wanted to honor God by obeying God.
Obedience to God is the most practical means for us to demonstrate to God that He is indeed our God and the love of our soul.
Second, Noah told others about God particularly those who were ignoring these inherit commands of God. Most everyone Noah knew ignored God’s ways choosing to live how they wanted instead of how God wanted them to live.
While the effect of his message was unfruitful his faithfulness to warn people of God’s coming judgment pleased God.
Telling others about God demonstrates a love for God because it acknowledges God’s love for people and His desire to reconcile everyone to Himself.
Further telling others about God demonstrates a love for people as it is necessary for people to repent and reconcile to God lest they spend eternity in hell.
If we truly would be godly we must obey God and help others do the same.