“Jesus replied to them, “It is not those who are healthy who need a doctor, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”” Luke 5:31-32 CSB https://bible.com/bible/1713/luk.5.31-32.CSB
Perhaps the biggest hindrance to people submitting to God and His authority over their lives is their belief that they are good people and that God must accept them on that day He judges all people to reward them for all eternity in heaven or hell. The definition of good these people have is failure to do bad. They are not murderers or rapists or thieves, they say to themselves, so they justify themselves in their own minds. God is not like us. His ways are not our ways, so by His mercy, He has recorded His ways so that we can align ourselves to them and no longer be deceived by our distorted thinking of what is good. God is holy and perfect and made our forefathers this way. When they rebelled against God, they placed within the DNA of humanity natural rebellion against God and man. We see this in little children, which explains their propensity to disobey and insist on their own way. Yet, we fail to humble ourselves and seek God to ensure we live according to His way. Every word, deed, and thought will be judged by God according to His perfect standard, making all of us guilty of sin against Him. None of us can stand on our own merit before a perfect God as perfect people. All of us are guilty before Him and deserve condemnation. This is why God came to earth in Jesus the Savior. He lived the perfect life we are required to live. He offered His perfect life as a sacrifice for our imperfect lives, which was accepted by God the Father, proven by the resurrection of the Son. Jesus now appropriates His perfection to all those but only those who come to Him for reconciliation, realizing they are sinful, needing a Savior, lest they fail the judgment. Jesus paid the penalty all of us deserve, but His payment only applies to the sick, to those who come to Him in humility seeking His pardon, believing in His sacrifice, realizing we are helpless to save ourselves from the wrath to come for our thinking, doing, and speaking falls far short of the perfect love God requires from us for Him and one another. All are wanted by God and are welcome to come to Jesus, but only those who recognize their poverty of spirit will be received by God to live forever with God, on that day He judges each of us according to His standard.