Everybody wants to go to heaven.
Most people believe they are good enough to go to heaven. Everyone despises the brevity of this life and hopes for a life to come. God has promised an awesome eternal life to all those who come to Him through Jesus Christ for salvation.
When we get to heaven then what? We seem stuck on just getting there.
What does God want?
God looks forward to living with His children who spent their time here loving Him, obeying Him and serving Him. God plans to reward those who were faithful to Him and His mission of building His Kingdom.
Too few Christians consider what God wants when they think about heaven instead focusing only on what they want which is the acceptance of God into His eternal home.
What occupies the time, talent and treasure of too many Christians? Worldly cares, worldly pleasures and the want for things.
An earthly life spent on accumulating stuff and pleasure-seeking living is a life wasted from God’s perspective for it produces nothing.
What God is looking for men to produce is new life in Christ in other people so that His Kingdom grows.
Imagine meeting God having done nothing for God, will God be pleased? What will that look like?
Unless we lose our lives now we cannot gain them for eternity the Lord Jesus taught. Losing our lives now means focusing on what God wants now without regard to what we want now.
The world needs to hear the gospel and to see the life of Jesus lived out through His people so that it can be reconciled to God, the only hope for all humanity now and in the life to come.
Who will work to produce fruit that will last for all eternity?