Who among those who call themselves Christian wants to hear God say that our lives were spent making His mission more difficult? Who among the Christian population wants to be listed by God among those who were an impediment to His work?
Regrettably it seems most of those who claim to be Christians are among those who scatter people away from Christ since so few are actively engaged in winning people to Christ.
Jesus says if we are not intentionally trying to gather people into His kingdom then we are actively scattering people away from His kingdom. This doesn’t seem possible but it is the opinion of God.
God has given us a mission: the making of disciples of all nations, unless we are active workers toward this end we are active impediments toward that end.
We think by being nice and occasionally doing good we are helping people see God and get to heaven. Anyone can be nice and do a few good deeds, even the pagans do that.
This type of life affirms the myth that being nice and doing good is what God requires for going to heaven.
Affirming this myth in the minds of people scatters them from the truth and what is truly required for entering the kingdom of God – and this is what most Christians do when they fail to discuss Jesus with people.
The kingdom of heaven is entered by grace through faith following repentance and is identified in an individual through obedience to all of God’s commands.
If we are truly Christians we will obey God by working to seek and save the lost just as He did when He lived among us.