God wants us to know Him. That makes sense if there really is a God. Why would God want us ignorant of Who He is or what He requires of us? Of course He doesn’t! It behooves us then to know God so we can know His will. God has given us the two things we need for accomplishing this objective.
First, He gives us His Word, the Scriptures. The purpose of the Scriptures is to teach us who God is and what He requires from us. In telling us Who God is, the Scriptures tell us what He has done for us, and why He has done the things He has done. This information is for our transformation from people who have ignored God, to people who obey God.
The Scriptures alone however are insufficient. The Scriptures are made increasingly clearer to us as the Spirit of God opens our eyes, ears and hearts to the things of God. God Himself, in Spirit, is the second means by which we are able to come to know God so that we can obey God. As we earnestly seek God we find God because the Spirit of God reveals Him to us.
Everyone would love God if they knew Who He really is, but so few, spend so little time with God in His Word by His Spirit that they end up making up their own version of god, which is really no god at all. The One True God is not far from any of us and desires for each of us to reach up to Him and cry, Father.
Yet He is a holy God and a righteous God which means the seeking and the knowing of Him, along with the doing of His will, must come from Him, as prescribed by Him, and not something we manufacture. God’s prescription for men is found in His Word imparted to us by His Spirit.