Unlike all other religions of the world, the Christian religion teaches that God became a man in order to speak to us, model to us and sacrifice for us so that we could live forever with Him if we humble ourselves and follow Him.
As God in Man living among us it was God’s big chance to clearly communicate to humanity what was most important to Him and which is eternally true.
In this chapter of the Bible God begins to teach that people must stop disobeying God or they will suffer eternal punishment. Someone finally asks Jesus will only a few be saved or live with God in paradise forever?
Now is God’s chance to confirm what so many believe that God is loving (He is), and that in the end God will let everyone into heaven because love never enforces consequences for bad behavior.
While God is love He is also holy which means He requires certain behaviors, He condemns other behaviors and will ultimately judge every person by His standard which He communicated to us in Jesus and throughout history as recorded in the Bible.
So what is God’s answer to how many people will be in heaven?
Only a few will make obedience to God a higher priority than being politically correct. Today the intelligent, the socially acceptable, the good people of our society deny marriage as being only between one man and one woman, condone and praise homosexual behavior and support the choice of a woman over the life of a child.
God will reward the faithful because He is loving but He will condemn the disobedient because He is holy.