If there really is a God doesn’t it make sense that He has some kind of standard He expects humanity to obtain in order to please Him? And if there really is a God doesn’t it seem only fair and right that He would make that standard known so that humanity could attempt to achieve it?
In the case of the Christian religion the answers to those questions are affirmatively, ‘yes.’ God is indeed good and because He is good He has worked through people to record His will, His ways and His story.
The expectation of God is that people would share this story all over the world so that all people everywhere could know and do the will of God. Indeed this expectation has been carried out to a degree but must be reengaged by every generation in every corner of the world.
The rub of this truth is that we are then responsible and without excuse for knowing and doing the will of God. The Bible describes God’s judgment as beginning with Him opening a book which records our names and our doings. The history of our lives recorded in His book determine our future living conditions; either with God in heaven or with all the disobedient in hell where there is eternal torment and suffering.
Truly ignorance of the law is no excuse.
The attractiveness of the Bible is diminished by Christians when they both argue about it’s ‘version’ and meaning and when they fail to read it themselves so live hypocritical lives.
God expects us to both know and do His will.
While we cannot do His will without knowing His will knowing His will without doing His will reaps the same reward as not knowing and not doing His will.
So what must we do?
Read the Bible as much as you can and while you read ask God for one thing He would have you to do as a result of what you have learned: then do it. If you need a plan for reading the Bible download the free one listed on this website but get started reading and doing today so that you will be prepared to meet God tomorrow.