The problem with humanity is that within our DNA is the pre-disposition toward evil and rebellion against God.
The Good News is that Jesus Christ was punished for us and now pardons everyone who humbles themselves and comes to Him for forgiveness.
Jesus invites all people everywhere to be reconciled to God through Him, giving Himself to live within the body of all those who love God through Jesus the Lord.
This indwelling presence of God within the people of God leads to our becoming more like God in Jesus – this process is known as sanctification.
God both proclaims His people as holy, because of Christ in them, and is making them holy through the power of Christ in them. Thus the people of God are both sanctified, already accepted by God, and are becoming saints of God, those who do acceptable works for God.
The saints are sanctified in three key areas this passage of Scripture teaches; in knowledge, in speech and in conduct.
In knowledge we know there is One God, one Savior and one Lord of all Who lived among us as Jesus, was crucified for us and rose again from the dead to return again one day to establish His eternal dwelling upon the new earth. Saints know they were created by God for God to serve God.
The speech of the saint reflects the words and ways of God. Saints speak truth to all people, in love they tell others of God’s love and encourage His people to remain in God’s love. The speech of the saint glorifies God.
In conduct the saint serves God by doing those things that please God. The life of the saint increasingly looks like the life Jesus lived while living among us.