Obedience to God is easy when there are no temptations and life is easy. However life is rarely easy and few are the times when there are no temptations.
Temptations and trials are tests for us, for others, for God, and for demons to see our character which when revealed tells us all our true nature and ultimately will be used to determine our final destiny.
God delights in the man that obeys Him. If we love Him we will obey Him said God in Jesus.
Loving God and obeying God are Biblical synonyms and cannot be separated. We like to separate them from each other making love more about feeling and intention and obedience about duty and responsibility without emotion.
Yet the Lord commands we love Him with all our heart, with all our mind and with all our strength.
Loving God must come from the depths of our soul, our emotional warehouse, and run through our rational mind for it knows logically His ways are good and best, until it reaches our hands, feet and lips where our strength is put to use to actually do the will of God.
It is the obedient children who will live with Father God forever. A disciple is one who obeys everything Jesus has commanded.
God has equipped us with the Scripture to know Him and the Holy Spirit to obey Him so that we are without excuse if we choose to ignore His commands and live instead according to our own ways and pleasures.
Trials are not to be avoided but embraced as opportunities to once again reveal to the world our love for God.