It seems the gap between the Christian and the non-Christian worldview is widening. The polarization and intolerance on critical issues is creating greater hostility among fellow Americans.
Political opinion and moral conviction is increasingly more divergent between those who love God and hold the Bible to be absolutely true and those who ignore God and or find the Bible to be archaic and irrelevant.
It is natural to seek distance between ourselves and our opponents.
When God came to earth and lived with us in many ways everyone was His opponent. Jesus was perfect and holy and pure and all humanity was broken, selfish and sinful.
Yet God loved humanity so much so that He sacrificed His own life in order that all might live.
So the Christian desperately needs to focus not upon the differences they have with their neighbor but upon God’s love and work done for their neighbor.
To be an asset to God and His work of winning all people to Himself the Christian must stay engaged with those who currently do not obey God in order to love and serve them until they can no longer resist God.
Christians must not allow bad feelings or harsh words or immoral behavior to deter them from God’s mission of bringing His kingdom to earth as it is in heaven.
The Lord Jesus was not deterred by man’s sin in demonstrating His love and neither must those who truly love Him be deterred from demonstrating that love to others.
To keep our love for man warm we must stoke that fire by staying near the heart of God Whose love for all humanity burns exceedingly hot.