While all are called to work few are those who place their hands upon the plow without looking back. While many are chosen few are those who remain on the narrow path for the way is hard and difficult.
The 80/20 rule seems to apply as much to the work of God as it does everywhere else.
What will be the result of not making the work of God our first priority? Will people lose their salvation for choosing to live comfortably in this world over living sacrificially so others can live in the next world with God in His kingdom?
God in Jesus told us some would be consumed by the cares of this world and so become unfruitful for God but He didn’t say what the cost would for this barrenness.
Those who truly love God must serve God for this is why we were created and later reconciled to God.
The Lord Jesus asks why we would gain the whole world but forfeit our souls?
To not give our time, talent and treasure to building God’s kingdom is to risk our eternal dwelling with God. If we do not put these things to use for the glory of God what are we using them for? our own temporal comfort and pleasure?
Many are the saints who have gone before us who have given all for the kingdom of God including their very lives.
While we are free from persecution and suffering we are also free to give magnanimously of our treasure and talent so that those suffering can be helped and we can receive eternal reward.
God invites us into a partnership of eternal significance but demands it cost us everything we have in this world if we would receive a great reward in the world to come.