Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia addresses the concern of what a person must do in order to gain heaven.
Paul taught that people need only repent and follow Jesus, placing Him as their Savior, Lord and God over their lives.
The evidence of such a commitment was a new character and disposition described as fruit of the Spirit with a new focus upon the expansion of God’s Kingdom on earth through loving, serving and sharing with others the person of Jesus Christ.
But to some this was not enough for getting into heaven, rather they wanted to add the legal requirements from the law God had given to Israel through Moses. Paul argued that men had never been able to keep that law and so God abandoned that requirement after He Himself fulfilled the law in Jesus then offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice for all those who failed to obey the law.
Paul summarizes his teaching in this letter by challenging the Galatians to look at the fruit of their faith to see if there were any signs that they were true disciples of Jesus.
This evidence would be found in a new nature with a new focus – one that reflected the character and will of God rather than the character and self-centered living of the uncommitted man. This too should be how we measure both our own faith and those who likewise claim to be followers of Jesus.
The goal of our faith is conformity into the image of Jesus until we are totally like Him in thought, word and deed.
To this end we are to pray, work and exhort one another, proving our own salvation.