Do you feel like the results from our election were a blessing? Do you believe we dodged a worst case scenario bullet not having Hillary in the White House? If so, should we go back to normal and wait for the Donald to make everything right? Can he even do that? I don’t think even the proponents of Donald Trump believe him to be the savior of our nation’s moral and spiritual decay.
If you believe God did not give us His worst case scenario possibility, why did He not give us Hillary? Is it because He is merciful and kind? Ok, but to what end? His kindness is to lead us to repentance the Bible teaches. While God sent prophet upon prophet to the people of Israel begging them to change their ways they would have none of it. If we would not get to the place of the worst case scenario, then we must begin to do what is right in the eyes of God and stop doing those things He despises.
God wants to be our helper but we must be moving toward His objectives, in His ways for His glory. If God is for us it is only because we are working for Him accomplishing His objectives for His honor on earth as it is in heaven. As a popular book once promoted, life is not about us but about God.
Christians are and were as divided over this election as any other group. Where Christians should be united is over the necessity to live obedient lives to the teachings of Jesus the Lord and Savior of the world. Our candidates reflected the poverty of our character as a people, they were the best we put forward! Self-centered, self-determined lives must cease. God-centered and God-glorifying lives must be our objective as a Church.
What does this look like practically? First, read the Bible. Read it every day. Get your mind and heart set on things above and begin to free them from their focus on worldly ways. Second, make doing what God says from the Bible your first priority. Pray for His guidance and His strength but just do it. Third, start connecting with others who have the same commitment and are on the same journey. Meet weekly to discuss biblical learnings and applications so that you can encourage each other to stop doing wrong and start doing right.
If we do these things we will please God our Savior and He will be our help as we proclaim.