No God but One

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Isaiah 45.6 records there is no God but Me; I am the Lord, I have no peer.

Political correctness and its sister ‘tolerance,’ have so permeated society that many who claim to be Christian are impacted so that they see their God as one among many but equal beliefs.

Every religion promotes a different picture of God but only one religion was started by God so that humanity could know the truth about Him.

Does it make sense that there are multiple gods in the universe?

The Hindus believe as much but these gods are petty, vain and ultimately ruled by one god for they too understand that the very word god seems to indicate one who is all-powerful.

The Muslim god and the Christian God are not at all similar though they each claim similar origin and to be the authority on God.

The Muslim god spoke to one man to reveal himself whereas the Christian God spoke through many men over thousands of years even making a personal appearance in Jesus, living among humanity, so that we could know unequivocally that God is and what God requires.

Does it make sense that if there really is a God He would want us to know Him for Who He truly is?

Why would God want to keep people in the dark about His character and His commands?

Were people more diligent to investigate the gods of this age they would soon discover that the God of the Bible truly is God and that there really is no other.

Christians need to become intolerant and politically incorrect toward the lie that all roads lead to heaven and all religions are the same.

God despises such behavior for He loves all humanity and desires all people to truly know Him so that they may love Him and obey His commands.


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