The hurdle today’s church must overcome is the notion that faith is a belief in God that demands little more than mental agreement with certain doctrine.
This modern misunderstanding of the gospel has resulted in few good works for the glory of God, little transformation in the lives of God’s people and even less effort toward the work of winning the whole world into a relationship with Jesus the Christ.
The culture reflects the influence of the church for it alone is capable of being the moral thermostat of a nation.
Since we have limited faith to belief, the moral climate has grown increasingly colder toward the ways of God.
When the Apostle Paul heralded the good news of eternal life with God through Jesus the Savior he demanded an allegiance and obedience to Him that was congruent with the very words of Jesus.
Jesus said no one could be His disciple who did not deny themselves, take-up their cross and follow Him. In addition Jesus taught that those who loved Him would obey His commands.
As the half-brother of Jesus, James the Apostle noted faith without works was dead. So those who claim to have faith in Jesus must also be thoroughly engaged in the work of Jesus which is the building of God’s Kingdom upon the earth as it is in heaven.
Those who truly have faith in Jesus as their Savior obey Jesus because He is also their Lord.