This image God is working within us to accomplish is a work of character, disposition and service.
God, Who loves diversity as evidenced by creation, is not changing our DNA into an exact duplicate of Jesus but rather is creating a family resemblance that distinguishes the children of God from the children of the world.
As the Lord Jesus was obedient to all of the Father’s commands so the Father is working in the rest of His children to cause them to obey Him.
As the Son humbled Himself before the Father so the Father is working humility into the hearts and minds of all His adopted children.
As the Son only performed the Father’s will so the children are being called to the work of bringing the Father’s will to earth even as it is in heaven.
Each member of the family of God is to embrace the work of God while taking their individual place in that work.
Those who claim to be children of God must understand that they are being transformed into the likeness of God and therefore must focus, embrace and participate in this transformation.
Our part is to seek God, first through daily Scripture intake for this is our food for growth and change.
Next, we must pray for we must cultivate an ear to hear the voice of God in our hearts moving us to specific acts of obedience which are in concert with the principals listed in the Scriptures.
Finally we must engage the work of God through acts of service, humility and love. This work is the reconciliation of the world to God through Jesus the Son.