Patient Endurance

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1 Samuel 27.1 laments one of these days I am going to be swept away.

For nearly ten years David had been waiting for God to fulfill His promise to him of making David king of Israel. This time of waiting was no idle leisure but most of it was spent running for his life as Saul, the current king, chased David around the country trying to kill him.

Eventually David grew tired, his faith was weak, so he decided to take refuge among Israel’s enemy. David’s fear of being destroyed exhibited his failing faith that God would fulfill His plan for him.

Yet God never rebuked David for his action but instead blessed his ‘work’ while David occupied a foreign land.

This is a reminder of the goodness of God, how merciful and patient with us that He truly is. God understands we are weak and nearly incapable of long-suffering and long-term faith. Yet God does not hate us for our weakness, neither does He reject us because we are frail.

Instead God continues His good work around us and with us in spite of us. How great is our God Who is so loving, so patient, so kind and so merciful to humanity.

The problems we have in our lives are not due to God’s failure but to our own. Yet God is always with us, always willing to engage us and help us for carrying on according to His will.

We make trouble for ourselves when we disobey Him but God is merciful; slow to anger and abounding in loving-kindness.

God is always willing to work with those who truly love Him, while we try to wait patiently for His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.


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