God has made getting into heaven quite easy for us though it cost Him everything He had to provide this free entry.
Because of God’s great payment for ransoming humanity so that they can get to heaven no other option for entering heaven remains.
To seek entrance by any payment other than the payment God has already made is to reject God because it dismisses and disrespects the great sacrifice He made on our behalf.
The payment God made was the blood of His perfect Son, spilled at the cross on Calvary where all the penalty for humanity’s rebellion was paid once and for all time. T
here is a cost for humanity’s rebellion or disobedience against God.
That cost can be paid by us or by God but if we hope to pay it through other religions or by attempting to do more good than evil we will find ourselves sorely lacking on the day of our accounting before God.
God sets the price for our rebellion and God sets the payment required for appeasing Him regarding this rebellion.
It’s our choice to make payment, receive God’s payment or believe no payment is required.
God demonstrated His requirement for payment through the blood of Jesus and His acceptance of that payment when Jesus rose from the dead to return to His rightful place as God and Judge of all mankind.
Entrance into heaven is easy now for us: surrender to the work and will of God through Jesus Christ rather than trying to work our way into heaven on our own.
Every other religion requires certain good deeds for getting into heaven while at the same time rejecting the finished work of Jesus – this is why all the other religions will fail to get people into heaven.