As the Lord Jesus, God living with us, winds down His time on earth He warns of great trouble to come.
These difficulties will create doubt and fear about God’s love and good plan for His people but Jesus demands that His people persevere in order to stand approved on the day of their reckoning before Almighty God.
The world is broken for every person born is rebellious against God causing great trouble for everyone.
In addition, God has an enemy, the rebel angels led by satan who also works against God and against the welfare of men.
All of this trouble; that caused by ourselves, that caused by others, and that caused by evil forces combine to make both life and faith difficult but this is no excuse for failing to trust and obey God.
God is good; we have all experienced His goodness in our lives even as we have all faced hard times.
God has come to us in Jesus and promised us a life to come that will be free from all this trouble – this is good news.
God has given us His Holy Spirit to strengthen, encourage and lead us through these troubled times; a promise from God proving His love and His presence.
Therefore we are without excuse if we do not persevere in the work and will of God.
Pray, Jesus said, to have strength to stand on Judgment Day not condemned.
It is simple to pass the final exam but it is not easy.
All we must do is love God, obey His commands and work for His kingdom to come to earth as it is in heaven: simple but not easy among so many trials and temptations.