We are born disconnected from God and His ways remaining that way until we are born again of the Spirit.
In the resurrection from the dead every person will be given an eternal body – those who reconciled with God will be given a body capable of living on the new earth with God forever while those who rejected God will receive a body for dwelling in hell in torment forever.
Meanwhile those who claim to love God recognize a daily struggle with the body they currently have to please God. We love God but we are unkind to our neighbor.
We love God yet we continue to lie, steal and lust. We love God yet we keep from people the help they need for knowing God and growing in Him.
What we believe and what we do are often in conflict with one another.
Those who diligently read the Scriptures experience this conflict more than those who don’t for those who ignore the Scriptures are deceived by their feelings that they are pretty good people not realizing their desires and attitudes are often an abomination to God.
Those who regularly see the goodness of God and hear the sacrifice from us He commands from the Scripture recognize the hopelessness of living a godly life apart from the presence of God Himself indwelling this broken body.
Praise be to God this is the very reason God has provided His Holy Spirit to indwell His people that they might live lives pleasing to Him.
So then the Christian should seek God through the Scriptures with his mind and seek the presence of the Holy Spirit in his body so that in both mind and body God is glorified.