Who are the true people of God? Those who attend church? No, it is those who practice righteousness, the righteousness defined by Jesus, that are truly of God.
In the game of life church is the huddle.
It is in the church we learn more about Who God is and what He requires from us. From church, Christians are to enter the world and proclaim Jesus as Savior and Lord while at the same time living under His Lordship.
This living in Christ and for Christ is not natural and neither is it easy for our base desires constantly war against our spiritual desires which are from God.
Therefore we are to practice doing good until all we do is good. Like the trained soldier who becomes reflexive in the heat of battle so when temptation comes or when we see needs in the lives of others or hear cries for God we respond immediately with righteousness and with the gospel.
Perfect practices makes perfect. The Bible is our perfect source for pleasing and knowing the Perfect God and God’s people in the Church is the perfect place for encouragement, support and accountability toward perfect living.
Christians must understand it is not inherent for us to do good nor live lives pleasing to God. Neither is God appeased by perfect attendance at Church.
We must be born again of God’s Spirit then live in submission to His Spirit Who will work out our salvation through us for the glory of God in Jesus the Christ.
God works on our inside while we do the works outside that glorify Him and build His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.