‘Why am I here’ and ‘for what purpose was I born’ are the two questions burning deepest in our hearts.
Depression, murder and suicide have all increased greatly these past 100 years since we started answering that question in the public sector with, ‘for no reason.’
When there is no God and humanity was birthed by random, cosmic chance then there is no meaning to life. This meaninglessness that so many believe for our schools, media and government have so long promoted it, has resulted in a despairing yet immensely selfish people.
The truth is that there is a God, a Creator of everything that lives and moves and breathes and He has a purpose and plan for every person.
This is why the Christian finds life so significant because God places so much value on each person – both the born and the unborn, both the healthy and the deformed, both the strong and the weak, both the rich and the poor, both the wise and the foolish.
God made humanity in His image with both a purpose and a destiny to which He will hold each person accountable.
Discovering then doing God’s will for our lives is the Christian’s life-long pursuit.
God reveals Himself and His plan gradually calling His people to steps of faith daily.
God does not tell us everything all at once neither does He supply all we need before we need it rather a daily fellowship is His desire for us so we are to daily serve Him and daily do His will.
God wants us to know Him and His purpose for our lives and we discover this by following Him every day.