The WWJD bracelet phenomenon was originally created by God with Israel way back before they even entered the Promised Land. God commanded Israel to make tassels for their garments in order to remind them of the laws of God so that they would focus on His will rather than their own understanding of right and wrong.
This is the current problem in America, everyone does what is right in their own eyes. This is fine if there really is no God.
If humanity is accountable to no one except perhaps one another then doing whatever we want as long as we don’t hurt someone else should be fine. This is the morality taught in our school system from kindergarten through college and marketed daily by our pop culture media.
The most recent demonstration of this ethic in action was put on display by a young lady named Emily whose recent abortion is all the rage on YouTube. Her video is available here: http://youtu.be/OxPUKV-WlKw.
While Emily is in awe of her ability to create life she fails to mention her power to take like. She identifies her actions as having caused the formation of a human being but not her final actions as taking the life of that same human being. All the while the world watches without concern for it was right for her and hurt ‘nobody.’
The Creator, Who sees all, will judge all according to His standards if indeed He does exist.
Since the dawn of humanity people have sought God, both our conscience and creation testify to His existence, why do we continue to forget Him and live as though He weren’t real?
Perhaps we need a few more reminders.