The Bible teaches that without faith it is impossible to please God.
Most Christians would agree they have faith but it appears to be hope mixed with belief that when they die they will go to heaven because God has forgiven all their sins through Jesus the Savior. This kind of faith is future faith, great for that day when we pass from death to judgment but not so valuable for today.
Many Christians do not appear to be exhibiting any kind of faith today, at least not the kind God would consider worthy of reward.
It looks as though we depend more upon our own strength, intelligence and finances rather than upon God and His strength, wisdom or supply.
We can tell by our answer to the question of, ‘what are we doing that only if God shows up will succeed?’
It takes no faith to go to work but it takes great faith to give sacrificially of our earnings to the work of God. It takes no faith to talk about the things of this world with people but it takes courageous faith to discuss Jesus with people who are not yet following Him.
Faith is putting to risk all that we have in order to obtain a return that honors God today and results in a reward in heaven.
God promises to reward His people in heaven for their work on earth that benefited His kingdom coming to earth as it is in heaven.
What work have we done that is worthy of God’s reward?
Any work for God will require faith in God for its result is dependent upon God.
Jesus encourages us to faith by inviting us to seek first His Kingdom then trusting Him to supply our needs as we give our resources away.
Great reward from God is a result of great faith in God.