The primary role of a Christian is to serve God.
God is the Maker, Creator, Sustainer and Lord of all: the heavens and the earth and all they contain. As such, He commands allegiance, homage and worship from His creation.
All Creation was made by Him, for Him to worship and serve Him.
Does it seem like those who call themselves Christians understand this reality?
Do all Christians speak, think and act as servants of God whose job is to glorify Him and accomplish His purposes upon the earth?
When God lived with us in Jesus, His description of His people was servants even as He described His humanity as a servant of the will of the Father.
As servants of God then, His priority should be first among all others, including our own. While we have the daily responsibility to provide food and shelter for ourselves and our families, yet our disposition is to always be toward pleasing God and doing His will.
What are the things God expects His people to constantly be working upon?
First is sharing His love for the world so that all people come to love God as demonstrated by a life of obedience to His commands. If we are not always working at moving people toward Jesus as their Savior and Lord we are not working at God’s business.
Second, we are always to demonstrate the love of God toward the needs of people. Whenever someone needs help we are to serve them that they might see the compassion and love of God in action.
If the Church is going to be effective at all in these days its people must return to living as servants of God.