Those who walk according to the flesh cannot please God, or as the Lord Jesus said to Peter, ‘get behind Me Satan for you do not have in mind the things of God but the things of men.’
To walk in the flesh is to live in such a way that our feelings, wants and desires control our behavior.
To walk according to the Spirit is to allow the will of God to determine our behavior.
The will of God is first understood from the Scriptures therefore it is impossible to either know or do the will of God apart from consistent reading and studying of the Bible.
One hour church attendance once a week will not adequately equip the Christian for daily service and obedience to God.
The flesh hangs on us 24/7 and is naturally prone against the will of God confirming the Scripture’s teaching that we are born sinful and do not naturally do those things that please god.
We must be born again of the Spirit; He must dwell inside of us if we are to know God and begin to live a life pleasing to God.
The power of the Holy Spirit in our lives is increased as we consume the Word of God which is powerful for saving men and equipping them to obey God.
The mission of the Christian is to glorify God which is accomplished through living in obedience to His commands just as Jesus perfectly obeyed the Father becoming the Savior of the world.
The Christian is to obey God by declaring the work and teaching of Jesus before all people that He might increase His presence on the earth through the reconciliation of all people to Himself.
If we are truly God’s people we will eagerly seek to know God through the Scriptures and desire to obey Him above everything else.