When God lived among us the second time, in the person of Jesus the Christ, He commanded those who would become His people to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Him.
He commanded people to weigh carefully the cost of following Him for the mandate is total surrender to God forever with the result being scorn by people today but eternal life with God and those who love Him forever on the new earth.
God requires the death of ourselves in order to gain our eternal lives.
As God Himself surrendered His deity to become a servant of men so all people must surrender their self-orientation in order to become servants of God.
Those who make such a commitment will reap life abundant now and life to come in joy, health, and peace with God. Yet many Christians try to live in both worlds equally. Many Christians want all that this world offers and all that God offers.
Many Christians give their best time and talent to accumulate treasure on earth in order to be comfortable now.
Certainly God is no ogre but He is completely focused on the reconciliation of the world to Himself through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ and so demands His people join Him in His work.
Like the business owner who wants his employees to enjoy their work but be diligent at their work so too God expects us to be completely about His business while enjoying the benefits of knowing Him and working with His people for His glory.
Those who try to live comfortably in both this world and the next will miss living in the kingdom to come for they have proven themselves unfit for doing so.