Called out by God

Luke 6.13 recalls He called together His followers and chose twelve of them. After watching Jesus heal everyone who came to Him and hearing Him speak words about God that…

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Less talk more walk

1 Corinthians 4.20 records the kingdom of God is not just talking it is living by God’s power. There is a saying, ‘what we need is a lot less talk…

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Esteemed by God

Matthew 20.27 commands you must serve like a slave. The greatest of all is the servant of all because God Who is the greatest of all, served all by sacrificing…


Christian or Disciple

Matthew 8.34 records they begged Him to go away and leave them alone. When Jesus comes He messes with our lives, at least He is supposes to have that effect…


Living Pleasing to God

Genesis 6.8 observes Noah was a pleasure to the Lord. The world was becoming increasingly more rebellious against God. Lying, stealing, murder and sexual immorality were on the rise violating…


Ministry for All

Revelation 1.6 claims Christians are appointed as priests. In most religions there is a class of adherents who are the official religious leaders, the group that knows god best and…


To know God is to obey God

1 John 2.3 declares we have come to know God if we keep His commandments. Obedience to God is the evidence among men, God and demons that a person is…


Less Talk and more Action

James 1.22 warns we live out the message and not merely listen to it. Most Christians describe themselves as believers rather than disciples of Jesus Christ. There is a tremendous…


Real Worship is Real Service

2 Kings 17.33 describes people worshiping the Lord and at the same time serving their own gods. There is a big difference between what we worship and what we serve,…