Honorable Work

Romans 2.7 commands by perseverance in good works seek glory, honor and immortality. Men love the reward of hard work. We seek the recognition of others from the effort we…


For What will you be Rewarded

Psalm 11.7 promises He remembers godly deeds. Whatever we do all is to be done for the glory of God and the furtherance of His Kingdom. All we do in…


Living like the Gangsta

Psalm 15.4 lists that he despises the reprobate. The psalmist asks the question who may live with God in His holy habitation? The psalmist then lists the character qualities of…


Being a Servant

Luke 1.30 proclaims you have found favor with the Lord. Imagine an angel, sent from the throne room of God, appearing to you and speaking these words, ‘you have found…


Real Religion

Mathew 7.6 observes this people honors Me with their lips but their heart is far from Me. I was sitting with a man yesterday talking to him about the things…

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Living a Life Pleasing to God

Acts 13.22 defines a man after My heart, who will accomplish everything I want him to do. Most Christians would like to hear God say, ‘this person is one after…


Having an Eternal Perspective

Mark 4.19 observes worldly cares, wealthy pleasures and the desire for other things come in and choke the word and it produces nothing. Everybody wants to go to heaven. Most…


Giving Generously

Acts 5.5 observes Annanias collapsed and died. When the Church started the people understood that this life was temporary and that the life to come was eternal. This eternal life…


God’s Means for Church Growth

Acts 4.34 observes there was no one needy among them. When the Church started, following Jesus resurrection and the outpouring of His Holy Spirit upon His Apostles, three key activities…