Not Being Timid
Psalm 40.9 declares I have told everyone the good news that you forgive people’s sins I have not been timid about it. What is the problem in the world? The…
Psalm 40.9 declares I have told everyone the good news that you forgive people’s sins I have not been timid about it. What is the problem in the world? The…
1 Timothy 6.19 promises by doing this you will be storing up real treasure for yourself in heaven. When God lived with us in Jesus He urged people not to…
Mark 10.31 promises many people who seem to be important now will be the least important then. Everyone wants to be respected, honored and esteemed. This is a natural by-product…
Colossians 3.25 observes God has no special favorites who can get away with shirking. Religion has always played favorites. The priest class has always been at the top of the…
Philippians 1.27-28 commands we tell the Good News fearlessly, no matter what our enemies do. Last night I took my family to see the movie God's Not Dead. It was…
John 7.7 observes the world can’t hate you; but it does hate Me, because I accuse it of sin and evil. God claimed the world hated Him because He accused…
John 6:27 commands you shouldn’t be so concerned about perishable things like food, no, spend your energy seeking the eternal life. What are we giving our time to? To what…
Luke 19.11 explains He told a story to correct the impression that the Kingdom of God would begin right away. Jesus brought the Kingdom of God from heaven to earth…
Luke 11.23 observes anyone who is not for Me is against Me. What does it mean to be ‘for’ something? Is it like putting on the colors of our local…
1 Corinthians 4.20 records the kingdom of God is not just talking it is living by God’s power. There is a saying, ‘what we need is a lot less talk…
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