Genesis 7.1 observes I consider you godly among this generation. Quite an amazing thing for God to say to a man after scanning the whole earth looking for those who…
Revelation 12.17 observes he will make war on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. The enemy of God targets men who love…
John 7.7 observes the world hates Jesus because He testifies about it that its works are evil. A long time ago Judah had a king whose name was Jehoshaphat, he…
Luke 24.47 commands repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His Name to all nations. It would appear that the Church has half-listened to the final command of…
Luke 11.53 urges we provide for ourselves treasure in the heavens that does not fail. In many ways we have lost focus and need to recalibrate or resync with Jesus…
Luke 11.23 observes whoever does not gather with Me scatters. The Church’s mission is the Great Commission which is the mobilization of every Christian for the saturation of the world…
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