Living as Priests
Exodus 19.6 promises you will by My kingdom of priests. When God established His people Israel He gave them His vision for what He was hoping to accomplish through them…
Exodus 19.6 promises you will by My kingdom of priests. When God established His people Israel He gave them His vision for what He was hoping to accomplish through them…
Luke 21.36 commands we pray to have strength to stand before the Son of Man. As the Lord Jesus, God living with us, winds down His time on earth He…
Exodus 16.4 describes the people will go out and gather a certain amount each day. When you pray, Jesus taught; ask this day for your daily bread. God supplied bread…
Luke 12.5 emphatically warns people to fear God. We no longer think of fearing God for God is love and so we have softened Him into a Santa-like figure Who…
1 Corinthians 9.19 observes since I am free from all I can make myself a slave to all. What keeps us from living life in such a way that pleasing…
1 Corinthians 7.35 commands God’s people to give notable and constant service to the Lord. The Apostle Paul was asked a series of questions about living the Christian life in…
Luke 5.10 promises from now on you will be catching people. The purpose of our lives, the mission of the Church, is to partner with God for reconciling the world…
Luke 4.13 observes the devil had completed every temptation. The bible clearly teaches that Jesus was tempted in every way just as we are yet He did not yield to…
Romans 16.26 makes the goal bringing about the obedience of faith. The hurdle today’s church must overcome is the notion that faith is a belief in God that demands little…
Luke 1.38 records I am the servant of the Lord; let this happen to me. Mary was able to receive God’s work for her life because she defined herself as…
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