God Takes How We Live Seriously

https://youtu.be/J2O8W6cgYlg “Woe to the world because of offenses. For offenses will inevitably come, but woe to that person by whom the offense comes. If your hand or your foot causes…


Eating Well Is The Key To Spiritual Health

Hebrews 5.11,13 laments, we have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longer try to understand……..Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.


Is this not our current problem in America in a nutshell? The people of God have little interest in the things of God? Why is it so hard, for so many, to spend anytime at all in the scriptures or prayer? So few have a daily habit of reading chapters of the Bible in order to know their God better so they can do His will better.



Being A Good Christian Is Not Enough

Ezekiel 21.3-4 records, this is what the Lord says: I am against you. I will draw My sword from its sheath and cut off from you both the righteous and the wicked. Because I am going to cut off the righteous and the wicked, My sword will be unsheathed against everyone from south to north.


The sin of Israel was too much, too consistent, too long for God to overlook any longer. Though there were a few who obeyed God, the culture itself was rotten to the core. Judgement, punishment and disaster were the result of Israel’s persistent disobedience to God. Yet even in this promise to slay the righteous and the wicked, God also promised to save a few. (more…)


To Turn Toward God We Must Turn Away From Evil

2 Timothy 2.19 records, God’s solid foundation stands firm, bearing this

inscription: The Lord knows those who are his, and let everyone who calls on the name of the Lord turn away from wickedness.


The word repent means to turn the other way, to turn around and go the other direction. It is the first word used in God’s opening message to humanity.
