The Apostle Paul was asked a series of questions about living the Christian life in the context of the daily requirements people normally face. Whether in marriage, work or simply providing what we need to survive Paul commands we stay focused upon notable and constant service to the Lord.
Paul recognizes the difficulty of this command in marriage where meeting the needs of our spouse compete with serving God. With God’s help we must do both.
Likewise existing in the world requires spending resources but we are to use as much of those resources as possible for building God’s kingdom.
Marriage, family and work are not excuses for ignoring God or His purposes rather those responsibilities are to reflect God’s will even as we seek Him more and more for doing His will.
Our challenge is to stay focused not on the things of this world but upon the things of God. Our challenge is not to become so lost in the mundane that we forget the doing of the miraculous – the bringing about of God’s kingdom upon the earth as it is in heaven.
God has given us the Scriptures and the Church for teaching us how to live and for doing His will.
When we ignore the Scriptures and fail to serve in and through the Church we fail in the things of God becoming selfish, self-centered and greedy forfeiting our reward in heaven and some forfeit heaven altogether becoming worldly instead of godly.
Paul reminded the Corinthians that this world and its ways are passing away but the Kingdom of God is getting closer every day.
We are to live as those who belong to another place under the lordship of another King.