The problem with the American church is a problem of love. Our love for God, for the Lord Jesus Christ, is little while our love for self and our pleasures are great.
God commanded us to first love Him with a love that surpasses that for self, family and material wealth.
This love for God would be proved and measured by Him based upon our obedience to His commands.
The commands of God are clearly recorded in the Scriptures so upon that day when God judges people they are without excuse for both the knowing and doing of His will.
The Church has allowed the world to define love which has come to man a feeling measured by personal satisfaction.
The Word of God defines love by obedience, by faithfulness and by sacrifice. Jesus, Who is the visible manifestation of God, Who is love, perfectly obeyed the Word of God, stayed faithful to the will of God even though it meant death and demonstrated His love by sacrificing Himself upon the cross so that all people for all time could be reconciled to God.
The Church fails to love as God loved when it fails to obey God, when it fails to remain faithful to God and spouse and when it fails to sacrifice personally and materially for the building of the Kingdom of God and the betterment of humanity.
Loving God will cost us everything because obeying God requires everything within us and at our disposal but the reward is everything God is and has, forever with Him and those who have also loved Him.