Zechariah had just received a prophetic announcement from an angel, a messenger of God, then asks him how do I know what you are telling me is true?
Zechariah heard the words but they seemed incredible to him so he wanted some kind of proof that what was spoken would indeed occur. God gave him a sign but not one he wanted, the sign he received was a closed mouth, loss of voice until the prophecy was fulfilled, in this way Zechariah was kept from spreading his doubt to others.
We call the Bible the Word of God and so it is for its pages contain the record of God’s actions, commands and desires. Few however are those who seek to understand and apply diligently the Word of God preferring instead to have others explain small pieces of it to them on an occasional basis.
Many more ask the same question as Zechariah, ‘how can we know the Bible is true?’ These people want some confirmation whether through the miraculous or through science or through archeology.
When studied by men seriously the Bible has always proved itself historically, psychologically and economically accurate but parts of it do require faith to believe such as the creation, the flood and the resurrection.
What displeased God when He lived among us as Jesus Who received the same demand from men about His words – ‘prove them’ – is the lack of acceptance that if God says it then that should settle it.
God has spoken which should be enough for those who believe and those who believe should desire above all things to hear God speak.