The bombing in Boston is just another of a proliferation of evidences that the world is broken and desperately in need of help.
In these times men cry out asking where God is and why does He allow such evil to exist. God gets blamed for not stopping such events but man rarely blames himself for causing such events.
Man wants freedom to do as he pleases until he encounters a situation beyond his control then he wants God to fix it. God doesn’t work that way.
Man in rebellion against God becomes man responsible for the consequences of his rebellion both in this life and in the life to come.
But this evil and pain does grieve God like the parent whose wayward child continues to bring pain into their life through their consistently bad choices.
So God came to earth to reconcile people to Himself and to give us hope and help as we struggle through this life in anticipation of the life to come where He will rule as He is recognized as the Sovereign King and Lord of all.
But the Church must start working at winning people to God’s point-of-view. Evil increases as evil men increase and we are certainly on the increase.
Evil is checked only as righteousness increases and righteousness is only possible through reconciliation with God.
The Church is the only moral agent in the world to properly teach the nations all that God has commanded.
The Church must stop hiding and start working to bring hope and healing to the world through Jesus Christ.
The Church, me and you, must start praying for people, sharing the gospel with people and giving as much of our resources as possible to this work of restoring people to God through Jesus Christ.
Unless we start working at saving people, evil will increase and people will continue to be destroyed in the process.