The United States has easily been the best Christian nation the world has ever known.
The connection between church and government started by Constantine with Rome and continued throughout much of Europe in the middle ages, resulted in great corruption of the Church and culture.
The Founders of this nation whose roots were godly Pilgrims seeking to freely worship God, saw this corruption and so created a nation where unbridled religion could flourish. The result of their constitution was the founding of a nation where the church was full and men were good.
While the United States has never been perfect because no person is perfect, its generosity and justice has been unrivaled in the world and continues so this day despite much corruption of our foundation.
Instead liberals have bridled the church by removing it from public influence either by symbol in the public square or by rote in the public institution of education where we now teach our children there is no God.
The result of passive Christian men allowing this evil to occur has been a nation rapidly moving away from its Christian moorings to one of paganism and poverty of virtue. God elevated this nation to establish a holy people.
When the church ceases to produce holiness the nation ceases to elevate in glory and grandeur in the world.
It is time for good men to cease doing nothing and instead resist the corruption of our country through the teaching of evolution and secularism and the murdering of our children through abortion.
Stopping these two evils will go a long way toward reestablishing our Christian heritage.