The Lord Jesus continues His teaching on this subject in the following verses revealing that to follow Jesus is to change our self, our wealth and our stealth.
Our self must change from self-centered living to God-centered living practically displayed through loving others. Denying ourselves means placing God’s will and ways and the needs of others above our own. The Christian no longer pursues his own status, security or comfort but rather, like the Lord Jesus, surrenders his life by doing everything he can to reconcile men to God through as many acts of charity and kindness as necessary.
Our wealth must change as we no longer seek to accumulate treasure on earth but treasure in heaven. This means the follower of Jesus spends as much as He can for reconciling the world to Christ. The disciple of Jesus uses money to influence people toward Jesus. The Christian’s goal for money is to spend more for the glory of God than we keep for personal use.
Finally, the disciple is not a stealth Christian where no one knows the hope he contains within him. Jesus gives a strong warning toward those who would live ashamed of mentioning their allegiance to Him. Rather the disciple tell others about the Savior for there is no other name under heaven by which people can be reconciled to God other than Jesus. People must hear the gospel to be reconciled to God and they hear through the testimony of those who have already become children of God.
The people of God are now ambassadors for God doing everything they can personally and financially while boldly sharing with everyone who will listen, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ so that all people might be reconciled to God.