We have been called by God to serve God. All of us who claim to be Christians have been chosen by God to be a kingdom of priests. The priesthood of all believers is core to being a Protestant Christian. The priest has been given God’s Word. Indeed, all of humanity has been given the Word through the record and availability of the Scriptures.
The Holy Scriptures are the record of God’s commands and character, His acts and His will, so that all men everywhere can know the One True God and what He requires of us. This is the work of the priest. To know His Word and to proclaim His Word to men so that all men will respond to God in obedience to His Word. Every Christian is a priest responsible to do this work.
Regardless of vocation, our Christian occupation is to make God and His will as recorded in His Word known to the world. This will mean tearing down lies and beliefs that conflict with God’s Word and building into men truth and righteousness that comes from God’s Word. We are sanctified, made holy, by truth, God’s Word is truth. Jesus is the living Word of God.
When we proclaim Jesus, when we live like Jesus, when we call men into obedience to Jesus, we are living our purpose, we are fulfilling our mission as God’s holy people, we are living as priests in a world sorely in need of knowing and obeying the One True God Who has lived among us as one of us in Jesus the Savior of the world.