I want to discuss what is on the line in this year’s election. I don’t think we’ve ever been here before. Let me explain.
My first premise is that Joe Biden is not running our country. I believe we all can agree that he is mentally incompetent to run the nation. This means somebody else is currently running our country. How long has this been occurring? No one is certain, but I believe we’re all in agreement that Joe Biden is not managing the executive office of the presidency of the United States. So who is? I will call the current leader of this nation They/Them. I don’t know who they are either, but there’s someone behind the curtain or some group currently deciding what the executive branch of the United States of America will do.
This group, They/Them, has positioned Kamala Harris as the face of the Democrat party for this coming election. She is incompetent to run this nation as president of the United States. Not because she’s a woman but because she’s simply not competent. The Democrat party never voted for her, and when they had a chance to elect her, they chose Joe Biden. Many liberal media outlets currently do not endorse Kamala Harris for president. I would suggest that They/Them have put Kamala before us so that they can continue to run the country using her face for president.
If Kamala wins the presidency and receives a second term, which she will, They/Them will have run the United States for 12 consecutive years. Then, there will be no turning back from being governed by nameless, faceless people. We will no longer elect our leaders based on our own preferences, someone whom we want and freely elect to pull all the levers of the presidency of the United States. Someone who we think is strong, someone who reflects our values, someone who pushes forward the agenda of the people by the people for the people in concert with our founding documents. Right or left, we have always historically believed that our elected leader is that person who reflects the values of the majority of Americans, and so they have become our face to the world.
While it seems no one really cares that They/Them are currently running the country or that anyone is discussing their continuance if Kamala wins, I posit that a vote for Kamala or anyone other than Donald Trump is a vote for They/Them and the termination of America’s choice to freely elect our leaders.
Donald Trump is not part of They/Them. It is why he is hated and maligned so much by They/Them. That is why we must vote for Donald Trump this election regardless of our own ideology, right or left. It’s not about Republicans or Democrats. It’s about America versus They/Them. We can all make it four more years with Donald Trump, regardless of our love or hate for him. What we need to remove is They/Them from power in our country. Donald will do that by being the president of the United States. We cannot have an ambiguous, unknown, nameless group controlling America. When that happens, none of us win, and all of us lose our freedom to elect someone we believe best reflects our values. They/Them become the rulers; whatever their values are, they become the values we must all live by. I fear that without Donald Trump as president to remove They/Them from the executive branch of the United States, we will have turned a corner in this country that we can never go back from where we are run by unknown and unseen forces instead of by the American people.
Our freedom to choose our leaders has made this country so great. We’re on the precipice of losing that freedom, and unfortunately or fortunately, however you view it, Donald Trump is the only one who can keep that freedom from vanishing. Your vote for Kamala or anyone besides Donald Trump keeps They/Them in power and moves us away from ever having a choice again in this country to elect a president. This election is not about right or left but about America versus They/Them. I hope you will choose America.