Our holiness not our happiness is what concerns God most. This is true because God is holy, that is His nature.
Is God happy? Happy is an emotion we feel based upon our circumstances. I doubt God is ever happy.
The Bible commands that we always be joyful. God promises us joy, probably because He Himself is joyful and exudes joy. Joy is a state of contentment, hopefulness and love all bundled together. It is why Paul in prison could say he was joyful and command we be joyful always. It is why God promised us joy though He promised us hard times because joy is possible in difficult circumstances unlike happiness.
Joy focuses on what we have and the relationship we have with God Who is always near regardless of where we are or what we are going through.
The context of the verse today was a warning to Aaron whose sons were just struck down by God for dishonoring God before the people by disobeying His instructions for proper worship. The people of God are to be holy as God is holy so that all people will honor God as holy.
This is why Christians cannot be homosexual and Christian nor can Christians condone the lifestyle of the homosexual. God has declared such behavior sinful and unholy. Certainly He loves the homosexual but the homosexual who comes to Him for a relationship must repent and turn from the ways He has declared unholy. Christians must love the homosexual person but they must love God more meaning they show compassion and kindness without condoning by enabling or blessing their lifestyle.
Holiness is manifest by obedience. God’s ways are the best ways because they are the healthiest ways for us and all of our relationships. We trust this is true because our Creator is good and He knows what is best for us. Homosexuality is not a sanctioned lifestyle as declared by our Manufacturer.
Christians should focus first though on their own unholy behavior before pointing out that of others. Too many supposed Christians fornicate, lie, steal, gossip, are lazy, are rude, mean, unkind, ungrateful and selfish. Honestly, I too live in this camp more often than I want.
The remedy for our disobedience is obedience. The consequence for our disobedience has been paid by Jesus if we will seek His pardon and receive His sacrifice. Daily I prove my need for a Savior so daily I must show mercy to those who also disobey God.
All of us must continue our march toward holiness for He Who loves us, died for us and will judge us is Holy and if we are truly His we will truly reflect Him as He is.